Rovers and Rangers


The Bharat Scouts and guide is a voluntary, non-political, educational Movement for young people, open to all without distinction of origin, race or creed , in accordance with the purpose, principles and method conceived by the founder Lord Baden Powell in 1907.  Sri Sharada college Basrur have started Rovers and rangers unit from academic year 2019-20 with guidance of Rover officer Mr. Santhosha department of commerce, and Ranger officer Kumari Mamatha Department of kannada. We have one unit running on. Sri Sharada Rovers and Rangers unit consist of 25 students, being 16 Rangers and 09 Rovers. Every Saturday forum classes are held as per schedule.

Objectives-The purpose of the movement is to contribution to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of the local, national and international communities.

Principles: The Rovers /Rangers Movement is based on the following principles.

  1. Duty to God:
  2. Duty to others:
  3. Duty to Self

Motto: “Service”

The method- The Rover and Ranger method is a system of progressive self-education through:

 A promise and law, 

                                    Learning by doing.

The Promise;

The promise for the Rovers/Rangers; “On my honour, I Promise that I will do my best to do my duty

To God and my Country

To help other people and

To obey the scout/Guide Law. “

The law for the Scout/Rovers and Guide/Rangers:

  • A Scout/Guide is trustworthy.
  • A Scout/Guide is loyal.
  • A Scout/Guide is a friend to all and a brother/Sister to every other scout.
  • A Scout/Guide is courteous.
  • A Scout/Guide is a friend to animals and loves nature.
  • A scout/Guide is disciplined and helps to protect public property.
  • A scout/Guide is courageous.
  • A scout/Guide is thrifty.
  • A scout /Guide is pure in thought, word and deed.

Rover Scout leader- Sri Santhosha, Department of commerce.

Ranger leader- Kumari Mamatha, Department of Kannada.

Senior Rover mate – Ravindra II B.Com

Senior Ranger mate –Swapna II B.A

Field Visit (ಸೈನಿಕರೆಡೆಗೆ ನಮ್ಮ ನಡೆ ) -11-11-23 (Click and read)
Swachh Bharath Abhiyan and Tree Plantation (Click)
Rovers and Rangers Annual Report 2021-22 (Click and read)
Rovers and Rangers Annual Report 2020-21 (Click and read)


Sri Sharada College have started Rover and Ranger unit from academic year 2019-2020. We have two units running on. Sri Sharada Rover and Sri Sharada Ranger consist of 29 students with 5 Rovers and 24 Rangers. The officers are Mr. Santhosha, Faculty of commerce and Kumari. Mamatha, Faculty of Kannada. Neeraj II A was elected as Senior Rover mate and Zeba I A was elected as Senior Ranger mate. The unit distributed free uniform to all Rover and Ranger students. Every Saturday forum classes are held according to the college schedule along with various activities for the betterment of the students.


 On 21-07-2019 to 27-07-2019 ,The Rover scout leader Mr. Santhosha and Ranger leader Kumari Mamatha have attended ‘SEVEN DAYS BASIC SCOUT TRAINING’ Camp held at District Scout training centre Pilikula, Mangalore.
 On 3rd September 2019 The Ranger leader kumarI Mamatha have attended ‘DISTRICT LEVEL RSL AND RANGER LEADER REFRESHER COURSE’ Camp held at Milagres college Kallianpur.
 The Rover and Ranger unit inauguration for the year 2019-2020 was held on 22nd January with Inaugurator Smt. Gunarathna District Vice President, The Bharat Scout and Guide District Association Udupi. and Chief guest Mr. Nithin Amin, District Organiser, Bharat Scout and Guide District Association Udupi , was present and also all the Rovers and Rangers students were present.
 On 14th January 2020 Organised Blood donation camp held at our college in association with NCC, NSS and Red Cross Forum and Rotary club Thekkatte. Students from our Rover and Ranger unit donated blood.
 Road Safety awareness program conducted in the college in collaboration with Rotary Club Thekkatte and Consumer Awareness Cell on January 14th 2020.
 On 22nd January 2020, the Orientation programme was conducted at our college for Fresher Rover and Ranger students by Mr Nithin Amin, District Organiser. Bharat Scout and Guide, District Association Udupi. All the Rover and Ranger students were present. In addition to these programmes, the unit has actively participated in Independence Day and Republic Day Celebration. The Unit is grateful to the college for all the support and guidance in conducting all these activities for the academic year and in the overall development of the students.